UPDATE! Colors available: Maroon, dark brown and pink.
A lot of people have asked me of this particular bag organizer. Let me tell you, it is highly recommended for those who;
- hate rummaging their bags for keys/handphone/pen/glasses and what not,
- have a couple of bags but loathe the fact when you change your bag daily/weekly and forgot half the things that you need in another bag, or
- love baseless bags but hate for the fact that it slouch so much that it looks selekeh half the time and
- has bags such as speedy, longchamp le pliage, baseless tote and even neverfull.
Then this bag is a one stop solution.
It has compartmentalized pockets for all the things you need. It has 2 side pockets, 2 front pockets (muat handphone), 4 pen pockets, 1 half-sized pocket and an inner pocket for you to keep letters, receipts, name cards, etc.
Best I tell you. No more mengorek2 bag in the middle of hallway mencari keys, passcards, handphone and whatever things you need direly.
Since ramai bertanya, I'm taking orders for this bag.
Price: RM25 inclusive of PosLaju (which is RM5.70 for the 1st 500g).
*Just pink for the meantime, if ada color lain will let you know*
Email me if you're interested: